Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another Blog, Another Day...

I've had way too many blogs go to waste. Every blog is the start of a new adventure, one which too often, because of lazyness or lack of interest, becomes dormant and is doomed to forever drift in the 'lost but not found' bin of the World Wide Web.

Yet I find myself being a blogger squatter on too many sites to convince myself not to start a new one. I've been there, done that, but never really WENT there, DONE that. To think that some people find it natural to expose these (at least for some) intimate and powerful feelings to the wide audience that is the web-enabled intrigues and wakes in me a strong wave of power and relief. I keep thinking of all that is going on in everyone's head every minute and is automatically dismissed by the rest of the living (if not the dead) simply because they are unaware that it is even there. How many connections have we lost, how much potential is wasted on egocentrists that think that these thoughts and realizations are theirs alone?

So a new adventure starts for me today, and although this first entry is doomed to become the polaroid of minutes passed, it may yet live in the present of someone else's tomorrow.

Stay tuned. I'll likely have interesting stuff to post at some point. After all, the brain keeps on farting....