I dunno. Seemed like a good title. Besides, every day would be a lazy day if I had my way. Oh, hum, wait, I do...
So today is Saturday, and I'm lazy. I fell asleep at 8 pm last night for some reason - in my bed yet! - and woke up at 3 because Weezer was still blasting out of the computer. Shut that down, shut the lights and went back to bed. Except of course I couldn't sleep because I was hungry.
I'm a salty snacks kindof person. I really could have gone for nuts, or chips, or popcorn. But all I had lying around was chocolate and marzipan I got at Christmas. So I ate some of that and ended up falling back asleep a half hour later. I should remember to get salty stuff and leave it lying around, for next time.
I woke up at 10h30. Count it folks, that's about 14 hours of sleep right there.
And I feel like a nap.
Yeah, that's being lazy. Or tired, or exhausted, or I don't know what. All I know is I woke up, made some coffee, and played Spider Solitaire for a while. Then when I felt I really wasn't doing anything constructive, I went down and made breakfast. Yes, the first meal of the day is still considered breakfast even if it's 1 in the afternoon. More mindless card playing after that, and the wall was calling me. So I actually got dressed (if my painting pants and wife beater count as being dressed) and drew for a while. Now my arm and back are killing me so I thought I'd take a break.
A break on a lazy day is like um...well, I don't know, but seeing as I've been on break all day, I'd say this is the lazyest moment yet. So I was sitting here nursing a rum and coke (what, it's 3h30...) and chatting on MSN. And I'm saying I should be blogging something, or at least DOING something...so here I am. Blogging about being lazy.
I'm so lazy I can't even think of a subject to blog other than lazyness. Funny how my days on Saturday only start at about 5 pm. I mean Saturday nights are usually booked for doing fun stuff. Tonight, I'm going out. Meeting someone at 7h30. Meaning that by 5, I'll be starting to think about taking a shower, figuring out what to wear, and waking up. Because I'm still in zombie mode, I'll probably show up late. Weird how that works. I have all day to figure this out and here I am writing this instead of making sure I'm on time.
I'd like to believe that lazy days serve a purpose. The mind regenerates, the body relaxes. I mean something happens, right? It can't be that I'm just completely out of it for no reason. I know Monday will come too fast, I know I'll be thinking I shoulda done more with my weekend by the time Sunday night comes around...but I also know I'm just really comfy right now, doing nothing important or constructive.
So why do I feel like I should be doing something constructive? Why do I feel I'm wasting time? Probably because I'm rambling on here instead of cleaning the house or doing groceries. But hey. There will always be Sundays for that stuff.
Right now it's Saturday afternoon, I'm being lazy...and totally digging it. And hell, if THEY'RE allowed....

Sleep on, Zombies...this is what regenerating is all about.
So today is Saturday, and I'm lazy. I fell asleep at 8 pm last night for some reason - in my bed yet! - and woke up at 3 because Weezer was still blasting out of the computer. Shut that down, shut the lights and went back to bed. Except of course I couldn't sleep because I was hungry.
I'm a salty snacks kindof person. I really could have gone for nuts, or chips, or popcorn. But all I had lying around was chocolate and marzipan I got at Christmas. So I ate some of that and ended up falling back asleep a half hour later. I should remember to get salty stuff and leave it lying around, for next time.
I woke up at 10h30. Count it folks, that's about 14 hours of sleep right there.
And I feel like a nap.
Yeah, that's being lazy. Or tired, or exhausted, or I don't know what. All I know is I woke up, made some coffee, and played Spider Solitaire for a while. Then when I felt I really wasn't doing anything constructive, I went down and made breakfast. Yes, the first meal of the day is still considered breakfast even if it's 1 in the afternoon. More mindless card playing after that, and the wall was calling me. So I actually got dressed (if my painting pants and wife beater count as being dressed) and drew for a while. Now my arm and back are killing me so I thought I'd take a break.
A break on a lazy day is like um...well, I don't know, but seeing as I've been on break all day, I'd say this is the lazyest moment yet. So I was sitting here nursing a rum and coke (what, it's 3h30...) and chatting on MSN. And I'm saying I should be blogging something, or at least DOING something...so here I am. Blogging about being lazy.
I'm so lazy I can't even think of a subject to blog other than lazyness. Funny how my days on Saturday only start at about 5 pm. I mean Saturday nights are usually booked for doing fun stuff. Tonight, I'm going out. Meeting someone at 7h30. Meaning that by 5, I'll be starting to think about taking a shower, figuring out what to wear, and waking up. Because I'm still in zombie mode, I'll probably show up late. Weird how that works. I have all day to figure this out and here I am writing this instead of making sure I'm on time.
I'd like to believe that lazy days serve a purpose. The mind regenerates, the body relaxes. I mean something happens, right? It can't be that I'm just completely out of it for no reason. I know Monday will come too fast, I know I'll be thinking I shoulda done more with my weekend by the time Sunday night comes around...but I also know I'm just really comfy right now, doing nothing important or constructive.
So why do I feel like I should be doing something constructive? Why do I feel I'm wasting time? Probably because I'm rambling on here instead of cleaning the house or doing groceries. But hey. There will always be Sundays for that stuff.
Right now it's Saturday afternoon, I'm being lazy...and totally digging it. And hell, if THEY'RE allowed....
Sleep on, Zombies...this is what regenerating is all about.
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